Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Years (Resolution)

I was motivated by Alastair Humphreys blog post to set a "radio micro-adventure" goal for 2013

I'm going to devote time once a month to pursue my two passions outside of family and work:   The Great Outdoors and Amateur Radio.  I'll plan my own "radio microadventure" each month:  Hike, Bike, or Climb to some wilderness location near my home.   Bring portable radio gear capable of making contacts with other radio operators around the world using morse code.  Log several contacts, and then return home.  I plan for these to be day adventures, and hope to incorporate some camping during the year.  Hey, this is kind of "geeky" but I'm excited to combine the physical challenges of the outdoors with the mental challenges of getting a portable radio station on the air.  Alastair Humphreys blog.

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